

Market Research is an industry that takes ages to adapt to new changes, but it saw the smoothest transition in Quarantine Times.  Market Research has been built by knowledge sources and with great expertise. A huge collaboration of brand marketing, market research agencies, data collection, scripting, data processing and transcription teams, etc. The critical and time-consuming process being the data…
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Amendment of the FDI policy: veiling from the Chinese

During this time of global pandemic, where the earth is healing in its natural state, some of the companies in developed countries are jeopardized at the hands of opportunist takeovers taking advantage of their weak finances during the pandemic. Countries like India, Australia and some of Europe are taking stringent measures to protect their economy and initiating protectionist policies to…
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E- commerce: Psychology Behind Cart Abandonment

E-commerce Cart Abandonments is the situation when online customers add items to the shopping basket and then leave the website before completing the purchase. Thus, it directly impacts on purchase conversions. Cart Abandonments can be calculated as 1- (number of completed transactions/ number of carts created). Various studies had revealed that, on an average cart abandonment is much higher on…
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A Brand is All About Human Perception

Perception occurs from numerous point of view, communication is only one approach to perceive something. The difference between perception and communication is: Perception is the abstract inclination that comes as a result of the objective communication. Communication is objective, while perception is emotional. Perception depends on various factors such as background of the individual, psyche, economic and social factors and…
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Impact of COVID -19 : Sectoral View

COVID - 19, has wiped the world from its day to day activities. Starting in the wet city of Wuhan in China, previously known as “2019 novel coronavirus” got spread as wildfire all over the world. As human beings continue to spend days locked up inside their homes, it is imperative that it will effect or change fundamentally the way…
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